Bengaluru: Exploring New Horizons

It's only been two weeks since I arrived here, and I swear my life hasn't been as eventful as it is now. Some things have happened offline, and some online, but this city has turned out to be a lucky one for me, at least for now. For the past few months, working from home had put me in a sweet comfort zone. Coming to Bengaluru felt like stepping into a completely new world. When I landed at Bengaluru airport, all I remember was being anxious and scared. While working from home, it was all "Eat. Code. Sleep. Repeat." But here, it is about meeting new people, pursuing new hobbies, networking with people from different domains, and most importantly, exploring my area of interest. The excitement of meeting new people made me nervous initially, but I eventually met some amazing people and had great discussions with them. Some online friends became offline friends, and unfortunately, it was the other way around as well, but that's how it goes. I started pursuing my inte...