How to stop Procrastination

Procrastination is a measure reason of poor performance!

Why do we procrastinate?

We procrastinate because we scare of doing the task wrong. We don't know how to start. Being confused about your goals, fuzzy-mindedness about what you are trying to do and for what reason.

How to overcome it?

Here are some steps:

  • Decide exactly what you want
  • Write it down
  • Set the deadlines and sub deadlines
  • Make a list of everything that you are going to do to achieve it.
  • Organize the list to plan by priority and sequence.(List all the tasks in the order they need to be done.)
  • Take action on your plan immediately.
  • Resolve to do something daily.
  • Clarity of your goals is the most important thing, objectivity doesn't let you deviate from your goal. 

Great Rule: Think on the paper

If the ladder is not leaning against the right wall, every step we take, takes us to wrong place.

Written goals are the fuel in the furnace of achievement.


Plan everyday in advance.

Your mind, ability to think, plan and decide is your most powerful to overcome the procrastination.

Set goals, make plans and take actions on them and determine course of your life.

Working progressively through your list increases self-esteem and self-respect.

Visible progress makes you overcome procrastination.

Better the plan, easier it is to overcome the procrastination.



"Proper Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance."

Don't just make a To-Do List for the day. Create a list of yearly tasks, monthly tasks, weekly tasks and daily tasks. To avoid procrastination the next day, make your list the night before. Set achievable goals. 

When planning a project, lay out the project in steps, so before you think of procrastination, you already have an idea about "What's Next?". 

Seeing the progress boosts your energy.

Motivate yourself:

Just thinking about starting and finishing the tasks motivate you and help you to achieve the goal. 

Make a list and then mark out the important tasks and unimportant tasks, order them on a priority basis. And no matter what the task is or how big or small it is, accomplish the important tasks first. The 80% productivity comes by doing 20% of the tasks(The 80/20 Rule).

A part of your mind loves to be busy working on the significant tasks that can make a difference.

Your ability to choose between an important and unimportant task is key determinant of your success in life and work.

Try to predict the consequences of doing or not doing the tasks, give more time to the higher-value tasks, which can make a significant difference in your life.

Long term Perspective:

"Long term thinking improves short term decision making". Have clear future orientations. 

"Losers try to escape from their Fears with activities that are tension relieving. Winners are motivated by their desires towards activities that are goal-achieving."

(But yeah, we all need escape sometimes. Give yourself an escape from time to time and don't be sorry about that. Empty Mind works much better. Keep emptying your mind from time to time. Have traveler's mindset, carry only what you need for the journey.)

There is never enough time to do everything but there is always enough time to do most important things.

Ask yourself:

What are my highest value activities?

What one skill if I developed and did it in an excellent fashion would have the greatest positive impact?

  • Do the worst task first. Eat that ugliest frog first.
  • Say No to everything that is absolutely not Vital to me at moment.
  • Getting In requires Getting Out.
  • Use the ABCDE method. Give priority to your tasks.
More thoughts you invest in planning and setting priorities before you begin, the more important things you'll do and the faster you'll get them done once you started.

Discipline yourself to start immediately and stay there until it completes.

Eat the whole frog and don't stop until it's finished.

When every physical and mental resource is focused, one's power to solve a problem multiplies tremendously.

Starting point of high performance is to identify the key result areas of your life.

Give Yourself Grade.

Key Result Areas --> If you don't do it, it doesn't get done.

"Poor performance produces procrastination."

Spend more and more time working on those areas that can really make a difference in your life and career and spend less time on lower value activities.

Discipline yourself just by taking one step at a time.

Upgrade your key Skills:

  • See yourself as a role model.
  • Raise the bar for yourself.
  •  The standards you set for your own work and behavior should be higher than anyone else could set for you.

Major reasons of Procrastination are:

  • Feeling of Inadequacy
  • Lack of Confidence
  • Inability in a key area of the task
Feeling weak in an area is enough to discourage you from starting the job at all.

Anytime you stop striving to get better you are bound to get worse.

The better you are at the technique, the more energy and enthusiasm, you have.

When you know that you can do a job well, you find it easier to overcome procrastination and get the job done faster and better under any circumstances.

Continuous learning is the minimum requirement for success in any field. 

Everything is learnable.

SELF-ESTEEM: "The reputation you have with yourself."

You increase your self esteem whenever you go beyond the point where the normal person would quit.

Put pressure on yourself you perform at high levels:

  • You accomplish better and faster.
  • High performance.
  • High achieving personality
  • You'll feel terrific about yourself.

Always remember:

  • Motivate yourself into Action.
  • To perform at your best, you must become your own cheerleader.
  • Beat your own deadlines.
  • Most of your emotions positive or negative are determined by how you talk to yourself on a minute to minute basis.
  • Optimism is the most important quality to be effective in any area.
  • Beginning of every habit is like and invisible thread, but every time we repeat the act, we strengthen the strand.
  • Persistence is self-discipline in action.
  • More you discipline yourself to persist on a major task, the more you like and repeat yourself and higher your self esteem is.
  • More you like and respect yourself easier for you to discipline yourself to persist even more.

(The notes are taken from various books.)

Happy Journey!
Till then 👋👋 


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