A Letter to the Stranger

Dear stranger,

This letter is for you. The story of us is so old to write but trust me I cherish your presence every day. I thank God that you exist. You exist that's why even my solo journey becomes thrilling and successful. Because of your presence, I feel relaxed, calm and empty-headed, because it's only you with whom I can share everything, cause you just love listening to me and "judging" it doesn't even exist in your dictionary and "understanding", I don't even expect. Maybe cause I already have expected it a lot...and even very profound friends of mine have disappointed me. So, I just don't expect it.

I love that you don't cross-question me, nor ask more but just listen to what may come. You know what a romantic feeling it is.

I love when you come out of nowhere at the station to help me with my baggage, and lessened my burden with your grin. I was a bit afraid to trust but then I looked at you and thought why you ain't doubting me for a serial killer, perhaps. 

Your long letter remains cheerful and full of lively descriptions that my happy moment is when I get that. It's an excellent drill for my memory, writing about day-to-day happenings, my fantasies, sometimes in vain the worries, the fun which I would have never kept the count of and employed hours which otherwise would have been idle, lonely, or spent in less profitable society.

Do you remember the trip when I was afraid about how will I manage with my broken phone and you came to my rescue every time? The beautiful pictures you clicked of me and sent me by no mistake, that was the greatest favour someone ever did without even asking for it. And the first-ever moonrise we watched together honestly, then I was aware of the Sunrises on only. The mountains we trekked together, the river rafted and the beautiful butterflies around were a heavenly feeling that I never told you about. That was to keep for my writing. Hope you read this someday and ask me for a trip again.  

I was on cloud nine when you shared your "Reading List" with me. For that's the best reading list. And I am happy to share that I am almost halfway through it. Though disturbing you sometimes for the recommendations still is my favourite thing to do.

I see you everywhere same as you take care of me while crossing the road or helping me to get to my destination on the very much time.

You are the one because of whom I have made it this far...I don't want you to remember me ever, cause your presence is much viable and I just can't make it a memory.

I want you everywhere. I need you every time. And I love you.

With love,
-A Stranger


  1. Dear starnger I am not so stranger as I mentioned my name. But still I am a stranger. We love strangers than we love our known people. Strangers are sudden and like God . Or like gifts from God. I want to comment more butI have a limited time for everything. I wish I should be a stranger of everyone who wander . Who is lost and losen every hope to live. Your dreamy romantic stranger looks like impossible to exist. But I pray to God that pretty souls like this should never be unloved.


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