The Work-Life Balance

I thought that the Work-Life Balance was probably the new hot keyword in the era of interest until a few days ago when I realized everything was messed up. Especially working from home and at the same time maintaining the house chores, your hobbies, your extra work can become a nightmare as soon as you can't see boundaries between them. So, here I was, filled with stress and anxiety, expecting more to do in those 24 hours and then unable to do it and so get stressed again. This cycle continued for a few months in a row.

I ultimately had given up on my everyday To-Do list. And just the false hope that I can 'do it all' tired me. There was quite enough time to do everything, but the mental fatigue and the urge to run, and not just to run but run fast, made me look at everyone and stop at your place. 

I even didn't stop to look and fix it. I kept running on the treadmill. Until the last Saturday when I got sick and had to fix it. And the previous week was super-productive and super-happy.

I'll share a few points how did I do it:

Self-discipline is the key, though don't be discouraged if you don't get on with a few commitments. We get better every time. So, here is a list of things I made to do:

1. No Social-Media in between the work.
This was probably the worst habit. It reduces your productivity no matter what and also drains you as you won't be able to meet your goals.

2. Exercise every day
This is to make sure that you are not just working on a laptop but working out as well. This becomes necessary as you remain on a chair for the whole day. 

3. Call Home Daily
Probably the most underrated thing, but trust me, this is necessary when you work full time. Talking with your loving ones daily is necessary to get through.

4. Sleep and Wake Up at the Same time
This is a good habit. Though I couldn't keep up with this but trying to achieve it. On some days, I am early on, somedays late. But, yeah, have made a lot of improvements.

5. Hobbies
I had to give up on a few hobbies, like reading daily. It's a bit difficult when my working hours exceed much. Though, on the weekends, I am on it.

6. Write To-Do daily and keep track of it
This is important to not think about ALL the things you can do and just skip the essential ones.

Many aren't achieved yet, but a few more to look into are:
1. A good diet daily
2. An excellent weekend to recharge yourself

I'll edit this blog when I find some other things to add to.

Thanks for reading. And Happy Working Life!

Image Credit: (Till I get a pic clicked.)


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