A Wanderful Sunday

I personally love Sundays very much if, by chance, I don't spend them just dozing in my bed or cleaning house, taking off the co-webs and listening to my aunt about how filthy my room is. Else Sundays are splendid. Today, nobody is at home, so the atmosphere is really peaceful. Since the covid started, I hardly remember when I spent my day alone and this stillness.

That's just one reason to love Sundays. Another is it gives you a chance to heal from the past week, from the regret of not accomplishing tasks or not doing exercise, or the day when you were supposed to be functioning, but you were just stretching like a cat and blaming the damn winter. So, Sunday is meant to wash off all the sins and start fresh. (At least to think that this week will be much better than the past one)

I wrote all my sins in the dawning and promised myself to be sounder this week. (Don't tell me that promises are made to break :P). And then I went to explore my city. Though I call this my hometown, in reality, I literally have spent very little time here. So on an impulse, I thought, let's just explore some places and look what Nagpur has to show me.

I strolled around 8KMs just to explore, and to my surprise, Nagpur is not really bad as I had thought. In fact, it's good. So, I went on an impulse, but the intent was to do some Market research. In the past, almost every time, I have avoided social gatherings due to anxiety. But, when it comes to talking to strangers, I can be in the top 1% of sociable people. 

But today was different, I wasn't able to go and talk to a particular person and ask about the products, well, it scared me. In 25 degrees Celsius, my jacket added more than 2-3 degrees, and then my fear seemed like adding more than 10 degrees or so. I was getting hot from inside, and before I could think, I was sweating. I wondered if this person would even consider talking to me or not. But, when I finally made up the courage and asked him, the results were different. He was much more friendly than I expected. It turned out to be a terrific conversation. If you really really have the courage for something, trust me, there always would be someone out there for you. Today, I realized giving interviews is much easier than stepping into the real market and talking to the salesman.

I read this quote everywhere, "Nobody Cares" (Or such more "Instagram friendly" quotes). But we need to ask ourselves if that is really true? Whenever I summoned the courage to ask for solutions to my problems, I always got help or answers. Yes, people are really kind, friendly, and more helpful than they appear to be (Or how the media shows us). 

The world is not so tough, darling; if you remember to count good people.

So, I can call this a mini trip around the big market. Since Nagpur hasn't got so many places to explore, I am bound to call this one 'A trip'. The saree market in Itwaara is much like Surat's Bombay market. Yeah, every place carries its speciality. And well, I was also exposed to the "Orange Market" today. I never knew that "Orange City" has its separate "Orange Market". Also, the same place has so many street food stalls. And when I was roaming there aimlessly, I was thinking about writing so many things that I almost forgot. Wandering alone, aimlessly, and without getting attracted to each apparel is peaceful. Watching the people around, eating Panipuri, watching the kids crying for Sugar candy and giving slow claps for the perfect marketing move of the vendor, maybe not so many adventures. Still, once in a while, it's good to wander.

There is no harm in getting lost as long as you remember the address of your home.

So, this was my Sunday! I have so many things to write, but I will stop here since I am tired. But again, not much tired than I would have been if I had slept and blamed Omicron for everything. Yeah, much better. 

It was a wonderful Sunday.

Let's see when I can wander aimlessly again. 

Till then 👋


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