
A Letter to the Stranger

Dear stranger, This letter is for you. The story of us is so old to write but trust me I cherish your presence every day. I thank God that you exist. You exist that's why even my solo journey becomes thrilling and successful. Because of your presence, I feel relaxed, calm and empty-headed, because it's only you with whom I can share everything, cause you just love listening to me and "judging" it doesn't even exist in your dictionary and "understanding", I don't even expect. Maybe cause I already have expected it a lot...and even very profound friends of mine have disappointed me. So, I just don't expect it. I love that you don't cross-question me, nor ask more but just listen to what may come. You know what a romantic feeling it is. I love when you come out of nowhere at the station to help me with my baggage, and lessened my burden with your grin. I was a bit afraid to trust but then I looked at you and thought why you ain't doubting me

How to stop Procrastination

Procrastination is a measure reason of poor performance! Why do we procrastinate? We procrastinate because we scare of doing the task wrong. We don't know how to start. Being confused about your goals, fuzzy-mindedness about what you are trying to do and for what reason. How to overcome it? Here are some steps: Decide exactly what you want Write it down Set the deadlines and sub deadlines Make a list of everything that you are going to do to achieve it. Organize the list to plan by priority and sequence.(List all the tasks in the order they need to be done.) Take action on your plan immediately. Resolve to do something daily. Clarity of your goals is the most important thing, objectivity doesn't let you deviate from your goal.  Great Rule: Think on the paper If the ladder is not leaning against the right wall, every step we take, takes us to wrong place. Written goals are the fuel in the furnace of achievement.   Plan everyday in advance. Your mind, ability to think, plan and d

My Gentleman

My Gentleman Night witnesses my regret, For keeping you away all these years, But it's time to wash my sins, So, writing a few words for you. From the day when you saw me sad, And asked me to laugh a merry laugh, My heart danced in your cadence, Until I asked if we'll ever part. I dived down into the ocean of forms, Flew above the mighty sky, Took the voyage around the world, Until I realized you were already gone. But then I saw hands filled with the stars, For I knew this could be only you- Sorrow ended and flower of joy bloomed, For my king brought the chariot of elixir. Your adoration spreads my wings, Like a glad bird on its flight, And you think you just turned on the light, Unknown to you-you are "the reason" to live. The world is weaving words for you, Twinkling stars adding the music to it, I'm getting tossed in the whirl of fearful joy, While glorifying you- "My Gentleman".

River Rafting at Rishikesh

I was just scrolling through my phone gallery, and I came across the pictures from Rishikesh. The holy Rishikesh. In February 2020, just a few days before lockdown, we planned a sudden trip to Rishikesh. How it was planned, or how long it was, doesn't really matter. The only thing that matters is the only adventure we had there, the river rafting. This was the second-best thing that happened in 2020. The first is that I got my first SDE internship. My first river rafting. My relationship with the deep water isn't really good. And above that, I don't even know how to swim. But I wasn't scared of it. Adventures never scared me; the only thing I would like to go on even on the last day of my life. Though the definitions of adventures differ for everyone, mine is different like everyone else. So, I saw the Ganges for the first time, unlike what is described in the science textbooks. It reflected the bluish-green colour, surrounded by majestic mountains. Wow! couldn't be

Are you ready?

How often did it happen that you believed you were not ready for the job this time?  Maybe next time, let's just do some more preparation, let's just work hard for x number of months and then give the job a shot, and the time " when you are perfect " just never arrived.  Whenever opportunity knocked on your door, you were "not ready" to take it or wait-were you just too frightened of getting rejected? This is not just about the job; when I look back, I find out how many times this occurred - it occurred very frequently, maybe every day. I seldom raise my hand in a class, even if I'm 99% sure that the answer is accurate- I step back due to the 1% fear of failure. I always sidestepped when it came to participating in sports because every time I felt, well, I am not ready, I'll work hard to "get ready," and after that, I'll participate. And that moment literally never came. Competitions were my nightmare as I always lacked the practice req

Where is my train?

It's winter, and I feel the Railway station has shifted to my front yard. It's been almost a year since I have travelled by train, but yeah, this train whistle is strongly reminding me of my all journies.  And growing up watching "Jab we Met", this desire to take trains often gets robust.   I take the train with the high hope that I'll meet my Aditya this time, but I end up surrounded by Aditis, a couple and their kids, or the old aunties. (All thanks to IRCTC algorithm). But that doesn't stop me from taking trains every time, just not because I create sweet memories there but sitting by the window-side is not less than going on a vacation. Watching lush green fields and, if the season allows, yellow mustard fields and waterfalls which look like the white zigzag lines from the train. I have never been to the mustard field, but watching them from the train delights me. It activates my artistic brain, and if it's good enough, then words weave poems that I ne

A Wanderful Sunday

I personally love Sundays very much if, by chance, I don't spend them just dozing in my bed or cleaning house, taking off the co-webs and listening to my aunt about how filthy my room is. Else Sundays are splendid. Today, nobody is at home, so the atmosphere is really peaceful. Since the covid started, I hardly remember when I spent my day alone and this stillness. That's just one reason to love Sundays. Another is it gives you a chance to heal from the past week, from the regret of not accomplishing tasks or not doing exercise, or the day when you were supposed to be functioning, but you were just stretching like a cat and blaming the damn winter. So, Sunday is meant to wash off all the sins and start fresh. (At least to think that this week will be much better than the past one) I wrote all my sins in the dawning and promised myself to be sounder this week. (Don't tell me that promises are made to break :P). And then I went to explore my city. Though I call this my hometo